Believing that a child's first learning years are their most important, Frances Ballantyne and Alphonsine Pare-Howlett, developed a school far ahead of its time. A School that encouraged "children to be children" with a revolutionary curriculum nurturing the whole child in a learning environment that was supportive, inspiring and aware of individual needs. Our Founders believed that children should not only be excellent problem solvers and critical thinkers, but must be "warm human beings of moral integrity".

The number of students gradually increased, and by 1949, the school had moved to the larger premises it occupies today, the Lindsay House on The Boulevard.

In 1947, The Priory School first opened its doors to 25 children in "Le Manoir", an old stone house in N.D.G. For the founders, Frances E. Ballantyne and Alphonsine Howlett, education was of premiere importance, as their own families were reaching school age. They were convinced that these early years could not be compromised. Driven by their vision of a structured yet creative education and by young children's thirst for care, attention and academic stimulation, they founded The Priory School.